Land Inventory Map
Click the following Civic Address's for Sale Sheets on the Properties for sale:
415 4th Avenue West
108 5th Avenue East
421 6th Avenue East
204 Dominion Road
120 Centre Street
217 Centre Street
220 Centre Street
The Town of Assiniboia deems it essential to provide incentives that demonstrate our commitment and readiness to invest in the development of this community.
Community Investment Incentive policy #150 offers commercial/industrial investment incentives and residential investment incentives, including but not limited to, the following:
- New Commercial & Industrial Construction tax abatement to assist in offsetting the costsof construction & business start-up.
- New Infill Residential Construction tax abatement which is in place to assist in offsettingthe costs associated with demolition, development & move-in expenses. (also included isa waive of landfill fees of max 30,000 kg of demolition waste applicable to the homedemolished)
Additional information may be obtained by calling or visiting the Town Office.
Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope on which it clearly indicates the legal description and address of the property. The bid price shall be net of all tax. (commercial properties are subject to GST). The successful bidder will have 30 days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase. The date of possession and adjustment of taxes shall be set as of the date of transfer.